Welcome to Pink Amaryllis

Hello and welcome to my website showcasing beautiful handmade flowers….. Flowers that will last a lifetime!

I create all my flowers from scratch using a variety of materials and techniques. I can make wedding bouquets, buttonholes, corsages, hair accessories and table flowers for your big day in any fabric and colour theme you wish.imagesI like to recycle and reuse wherever possible and source many of my materials from secondhand shops. When I do buy new I like to support other small independent retailers, my local little haberdashery being a favourite.

To make your flowers completely unique to you I can also incorporate any special fabrics, materials or small jewellery pieces you may have. Please have a browse of my flower shop to see examples of my work. If you see anything you like or would like to order something made to your specifications I would love to hear from you!

These are my latest ready made bouquets now available to buy in my folksy shop. To keep up to date with new listings and work in progress please have a look at my blog.

ready made bouquets